how to create their own website and earn money
earn money from home
Due to digitalization in India, the number of smartphone users is increasing very fast, now people want to watch and read everything online. In such a situation, there have been many ways to work online. Now making a website is not as difficult as before, but it should come up to operate properly. Anyone can create a website, for this, you do not need to invest much.The first thing to do is to build a website.
First name
I should tell you about this first, but it was necessary to tell the above things as I would like to repeat one thing here, just by creating a website, nothing will happen. To create any website or blog from which you want to earn, firstly designate its name. A name that is easy to read as well as about which website you want to be linked to. For example, for automobiles, technology can choose the names associated with these areas, as well as the name should not be too big so that people can remember them easily.
Buy domain name
Buy domain name
After disguising the name, it has to be checked whether someone else has registered this name because there cannot be two sites like one name. If you look at it a little technical, no one else can take again. For this, you can use many domain search engines online or you can check the name by going to other sites like Go daddy and Hostgator. If that name exists online and no one has taken it, then you can buy it, you can buy that name i.e. domain name for one year for Rs 300 to Rs 1000.
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Buy hosting
After purchasing the domain name, understand that you have bought the car, now you need a road to drive it. After taking the domain you have to take hosting i.e. to take place in Sarwar to run your site. Apart from Godaddy and Hostgator, you will find many other sites from where you can buy hosting. Initially, my opinion is that buy a planning plan which will be available to you within 300 rupees to 600 rupees months.
After purchasing the hosting, you will get a message in the mail giving a login and password to set up the website. Here I am showing how to set up a site in WordPress which is used by most people in the world for blogs and websites. As I said, you will get a login and password, along with a link that will be given which we call the C panel i.e. control panel from here you can control your entire site.
How to set in c panel
After logging into the C panel, a lot of options will come in front of you. Don't worry about seeing them, all options have their own separate work. To set the site, go to the Software / Services or Quickinstall option in the C panel and click on Select PHP Version, inside which you will come across many platforms, from which you have to click on WordPress.
After clicking on WordPress, one has to fill a small form in which the domain name, whatever name you want to name the site and your user, the password will also have to be filled in so that you can access the backend dashboard. After doing all this, you have to install WordPress by clicking on the option of Install Now below.
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Login WordPress
After installing WordPress, your mail id will get the site name, login name, and password. This will be your WordPress login id and password, in which you can do whatever you want to do after login in. Now your site is ready to work, you can also choose other languages for it.